The Types of Artificial Intelligence(AI)


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has advanced quickly, changing a variety of companies and parts of our daily lives. AI systems can now complete lots of jobs thanks to their growing power and variety. Based on their skills and functionalities, the various forms of AI that exist can be divided into multiple groups. We will go into four primary groups of artificial intelligence in this blog article to review each one's unique advantages.

Machines that react:

The most basic kind of artificial intelligence is reactive machines. They have no memory of the past and only take input from the present. Based on set rules and patterns, these robots are able to detect particular conditions or stimuli and behave accordingly. They are unable to learn new things or expect the future, though.

The chess-playing supercomputer known as Deep Blue is an important example of a reactive machine. Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997 using millions of possible moves in less than a second. Deep Blue could play chess, but it had no other skills.

AI in Limited Memory:

By increasing memory, limited memory AI builds on the possibilities of reactive machines. These AI systems have the capacity to remember and store past events, which enables them to base decisions on past information. Robotics and autonomous vehicles, which must be able to learn from previous incidents, commonly use limited memory AI.

Self-driving cars are an excellent example of AI with limited memory. They can identify and react to different road signs, traffic patterns, and potential challenges using the data they have saved. These vehicles can continuously boost their performance and increase road safety by learning from past mistakes.

AI Theory of Mind:

Concept of Mind Artificial intelligence (AI) describes systems with a higher level of cognitive skills. They have the ability to read minds and decode human intentions, beliefs, and wants. These AI systems aim to connect with people on a social and emotional level and have a greater understanding of how humans act.

Since Theory of Mind AI is still in its early days, researchers are looking into its potential uses in industries including healthcare, therapy, and customer service. These AI systems may help by studying human emotions, offering emotional support, and changing behaviour in response.

Self-Aware AI:

The most advanced form of artificial intelligence, known as self-aware AI, includes systems that not only have mind but also have an individual view on the world. The reality of this kind of artificial intelligence is yet possible and the topic of heated discussion.

AI that is self-aware will have a sense of self, an awareness of its own existence, and the capacity for analysis and self-reflection. It would have characteristics similar to human awareness, allowing it to think abstractly, be original, and act freely.


Knowing all types of artificial intelligence is crucial as it continues to develop. Each category, from self-aware AI to reactive robots, has its own features and capacities. While certain types, like limited memory AI in automatic cars, are already in use today, others, like self-aware AI, are still mostly in the area of theory.

Exploring different types of AI not only improves our understanding but also shows the amazing developments made in the field. With further study and development, extremely complicated AI systems may appear, changing many industries and shifting our future.


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